ASTM E303-93(2018) – Standard Test Method for Measuring Surface Frictional Properties Using British Pendulum Tester
Tensile Tests — When a sample is subject to controlled tension until failure. It measures tensile strength along with maximum elongation and reduction in area.
Compression Tests — When a sample is subjected to a compressive force to determine the material’s crush resistance during a defined time period.
Shear Tests — Determines the maximum shear stress a component can handle before a sliding failure occurs on the plane of an object that is perpendicular to the direction of force.
Bending Tests — This process measures the ductility(elasticity) and strength of a material. Once the bend is completed to the desired angle the product is inspected for cracks on the outer surface.
Fatigue Tests — A method used to measure a material’s behavior under fluctuating stresses or strains. This cyclic series of tests simulate working conditions where materials or components undergo cyclic forces.
Facture Toughness — The ability of a material to withstand static propagation of a fatigue under know loading conditions
Impact Testing — The ability of a material to absorb energy at high strain rates.
Bond Strength Tests — This process determines the stress/load required to cause an adhesive bond rupture between two materials. This test can easily be performed in the field or lab environment.
Proof Tests — When a structure or component is required to demonstrate that it’s capable of bearing a specific safe working load.
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