The existing Magnolia Avenue Bridge will be replaced with a single span structure consisting of cast-in-place reinforced concrete footings and abutments with 18” deep precast concrete adjacent slab beams forming the superstructure. The cast-in-place footing and abutment construction will be facilitated by the installation of temporary and permanent cofferdams as depicted on the Contract Plans.
The relocation of the existing gas and water mains to the proposed utility bay at the north end of the bridge will require the installation of a temporary bypass bridge located downstream of the structure. Including utility lines and storm water outfalls.
The project involves the full replacement of the Magnolia Avenue Bridge with a minor span of the roadway, relocation of storm water outfalls through the proposed bridge abutments, the implementation of various drainage improvements, the relocation of an existing gas main and an existing water main to a proposed utility bay at the north end of the bridge, and the relocation of various utility poles.
For the protection of adjacent structures, Big Apple Group has has implemented a construction monitoring plan that includes Pre and Post-Construction Surveys as well as Vibration Monitoring. This shall consist of performing vibration monitoring to determine baseline levels, with a report of these ambient readings provided prior to commencing construction, and performing vibration monitoring during construction activities including, but not limited to, excavation, sheeting installation, operation of heavy equipment and other operations.