Geotechnical Field Investigation

Essential Role of Geotechnical Consulting in Construction

At Big Apple Group, we understand the pivotal role geotechnical consulting plays in constructing durable and safe buildings, roads, bridges, tunnels, and other critical structures. A thorough geotechnical survey, or geo tech survey, forms the cornerstone of any successful construction project. By conducting in-depth geotechnical soil testing and ground investigations, we pave the way for cost-effective foundation designs and minimize construction delays that often arise from unexpected subterranean conditions.

Advanced Equipment and Extensive Facilities

Our extensive array of land and marine subsurface exploration equipment, complemented by our advanced laboratory and office facilities, enables us to offer a comprehensive suite of material testing and inspection solutions. Our capabilities extend beyond standard procedures, encompassing specialized tests like compaction testing and pull testing. Our fleet of fully equipped exploration crews, boasting drill rigs adaptable to various carriers, ensures unparalleled access to diverse site conditions, be it on terra firma or aquatic environments.

Expertise in Geotechnical Drilling and Borings

As seasoned geotechnical consultants, Big Apple Group has a rich history of conducting thousands of geotechnical drilling surveys across a wide array of projects. Our expertise is not confined to the scale of the project; whether it involves a handful of geotechnical borings or expansive projects necessitating several hundred soil borings, we are equipped to deliver. Our comprehensive geotechnical recommendations are grounded in detailed analyses and tailored to the specific needs of each project.

Team of Skilled Construction Material Testing Engineers and Technicians

Our team comprises highly trained construction materials testing engineers and technicians, well-versed in specifications from a multitude of agencies. This includes state and federal highway departments, ASTM, AASHTO, NYCDOT, NYCDOB, NYCDEP, NYCHA, NYEDC, NYCMTA, SEPTA, NJTransit, PANYNJ, NJDOT, NJDEP, USACOE, DelDOT, PennDOT, USEPA, among others. Their extensive training and experience ensure that our geotechnical investigations and recommendations are both reliable and compliant with the highest industry standards.

At Big Apple Group, our commitment to excellence in geotechnical field investigation is unwavering. We leverage our advanced equipment, extensive experience, and skilled professionals to provide the foundational insights essential for the success of your construction projects. Trust us to uncover the vital underground secrets that pave the way for safe, efficient, and successful construction outcomes.

Preliminary or General Studies

Site Preparation Specifications

Early Site Selection

Design of Pond and Landfill Liners

Preliminary Soil and Foundation Evaluation

Embankment Settlement

Foundations for Structures

Vibration Studies

Percolation Testing

Slope Stability and Design

Foundation/Specialty Analysis

Risk Assessment

Construction Over Compressible Soils

Subsoil Modification

Analysis of High-Rise Foundations

Dewatering Concepts

Soil Mechanics Research

Specialty Foundations

Retaining Walls

Landfill Foundation Studies

Roadway/Transportation Studies

Pavement Design

Field And Drilling Services

Standard Test Borings And Testing Pits

Auger Borings

Rock Coring

Monitoring Well Installation

Continuous Sampling

Environmental Sampling

Groundwater Sampling

Ground Penetrating Radar (GPR)

Non destructive testing of concrete identifies inconsistencies within material. To complete a non-destructive inspection, Big Apple Group uses a Ground Penetrating Radar System which does not require excavating, cutting, or removal of material. With this (GPR) ground penetrating radar, Big Apple Group is able to assist with Utility locating to reduce the risk of utility damage during construction, structural analysis, determining the thickness of layers of asphalt, concrete, and many other materials.
GPR scanning provides immediate results and reduces the likelihood of any unnecessary damage to existing structures. Discovering what lies beneath the surface, before coring, drilling, and evaluating while assisting in optimal planning and reduced liability.
Some of the various applications of Ground Penetrating Radar services include the Analysis of Bridges, Towers, Tunnels, Balconies, Decks, Columns, Slabs, and Monuments.

Preliminary or General Studies

Site Preparation Specifications

Early Site Selection

Design of Pond and Landfill Liners

Preliminary Soil and Foundation Evaluation

Embankment Settlement

Foundations for Structures

Vibration Studies

Percolation Testing

Slope Stability and Design

Foundation/Specialty Analysis

Risk Assessment

Construction Over Compressible Soils

Subsoil Modification

Analysis of High-Rise Foundations

Dewatering Concepts

Soil Mechanics Research

Specialty Foundations

Retaining Walls

Landfill Foundation Studies

Roadway/Transportation Studies

Pavement Design

Field And Drilling Services

Standard Test Borings And Testing Pits

Auger Borings

Rock Coring

Monitoring Well Installation

Continuous Sampling

Environmental Sampling

Groundwater Sampling

Ground Penetrating Radar (GPR)

Non destructive testing of concrete identifies inconsistencies within material. To complete a non-destructive inspection, Big Apple Group uses a Ground Penetrating Radar System which does not require excavating, cutting, or removal of material. With this (GPR) ground penetrating radar, Big Apple Group is able to assist with Utility locating to reduce the risk of utility damage during construction, structural analysis, determining the thickness of layers of asphalt, concrete, and many other materials.
GPR scanning provides immediate results and reduces the likelihood of any unnecessary damage to existing structures. Discovering what lies beneath the surface, before coring, drilling, and evaluating while assisting in optimal planning and reduced liability.
Some of the various applications of Ground Penetrating Radar services include the Analysis of Bridges, Towers, Tunnels, Balconies, Decks, Columns, Slabs, and Monuments.